
The Perfect Pairing: Enjoy Your Coffee with Toasted Almond Anise Biscotti!

Toast Almond Anise Biscotti – A Delectable Italian Treat to Savor

Are you a fan of Italian cuisine? Do you crave the aroma of freshly baked cookies wafting through your kitchen? If so, then you’re in for a treat! Our team crafted a comprehensive guide on one of Italy’s most beloved desserts – Toast Almond Anise Biscotti. Get ready to indulge your taste buds and learn how to create this delightful delicacy that will surely impress your family and friends.

Toast Almond Anise Biscotti Recipe

Biscotti, which means “twice-baked” in Italian, is a type of cookie that originated in Tuscany, Italy. These oblong-shaped treats are known for their unique texture, which is achieved by baking the dough twice. Toast Almond Anise Biscotti, in particular, is a classic variation of this popular cookie, featuring the irresistible flavors of toasted almonds and aromatic anise seeds.

The Perfect Recipe

 we take pride in providing our readers with the best possible recipes, and our Toast Almond Anise Biscotti is no exception. Here’s our tried-and-tested recipe that will help you create these scrumptious cookies in your own kitchen


  • 1 cup of whole almonds, toasted
  • 2 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground anise seeds
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 cup of granulated sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Spread the almonds on a separate baking sheet and toast them in the oven for about 8-10 minutes, or until they are lightly golden and fragrant. Let them cool, then coarsely chop them and set aside.
  3. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, salt, and ground anise seeds until well combined.
  4. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, sugar, and vanilla extract together until pale and creamy.
  5. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, mixing until a stiff dough forms.
  6. Stir in the toasted almonds until evenly distributed throughout the dough.
  7. Divide the dough in half and shape each half into a log, about 12 inches long and 2 inches wide, on the prepared baking sheet.
  8. Bake the logs in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes, or until they are golden brown and set.
  9. Remove the logs from the oven and let them cool for about 10 minutes. Lower the oven temperature to 325°F (160°C).
  10. Using a serrated knife, carefully slice the logs into 1/2-inch thick diagonal slices.
  11. Arrange the slices on the baking sheet and bake for an additional 15-20 minutes, or until they are crisp and dry.
  12. Remove the biscotti from the oven and let them cool completely on a wire rack.
  13. Once cooled, store the biscotti in an airtight container for up to two weeks, or enjoy them right away with your favorite hot beverage.

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